Robert's birthday watch- straight from Rhode Island! He loved it.

He models it.

On Saturday morning Rob treated us to Chik-fil-a. YUM!

CC loved her biscuit.

All day long we wondered if our planned outing to Turner Field for Robert's b-day celebration would be rained out. It was not!!

CC had some good love time with Papaw.

Granny made awesome baseball cupcakes and bat, ball and bases snack mix (not pictured). Yes, it is awesome to be Martha Stewart's daughter.

Mama and CC.

As the evening got later, CC curls up with Granny.

And Karla.

The beautiful Kosar family who joined us at Turner Field.

Robert and the Browns.
Thank you to the Burlingtons (of the northeast), the Haynes, the Kosars, the Hagues, the Daniels, and the Browns who all made Robert's 7th birthday pretty awesome. :)
Happy Birthday Robert!
ReplyDeletelove, Paul & Jack