See the two people pictured above? Well, they are my fabulous in-laws. And, if you ever run into them INSIST on hanging out with them. You will have a great time. I guarantee it.
I already knew that they were a lot of fun (it's been almost 10 years people), when my husband made arrangements with Delta for me to attend Steph and Larry's baby shower, at said in-laws home.
The shower took place on Saturday afternoon. Steph and Larry didn't know I was coming so I popped up in the kitchen when she walked in. Happy glee followed. And a LOVELY shower.

Presents in a Radio Flyer wagon. Love it!

The beautiful Jen (my other sister-in-law) and Rebecca (my niece) Hague.

The expectant couple unfurl a beautiful handmade quilt.

A clothesline of clothes for the baby!

Liz Jackson and her daughters, Annie and Grace.

Steph and Jen Remick.

Steph with Patty Downing (who flew in for the afternoon from Delaware!)

Rebecca and a fun tea party game I got to play with her. :)

Tired puppies, Dickens and Winnie.

Getting pretty toenails.

Did I mention the food?

Auntie Steph with a beautiful baby bump and a beautiful niece.

Other happenings on my trip: Big Daddy and Little Mama (the in-laws) treated me to a yummy dinner at Boston Logan on Friday night after I arrived. BD and I explored a labyrinth at St. Luke's on Saturday before the shower. What refreshment! And a lovely Sunday service was followed by a warm lunch with one of the St. Luke's staff, Jeffrey, and an advocate for Youth Pride Rhode Island, James. Ahh.
So, to close, THANK YOU LM and BD for an incredible weekend, THANK YOU Steph for getting pregnant so you could have a shower I could come to and SMOOCH XXOO to Rob for sending me!
p.s. If you haven't seen The Reader watch it ASAP. I viewed it on the plane and I was riveted.
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