In typical Rob fashion my husband sent a list of about 9 restaurants for me to consider while in Portland. We chose Kenny and Zuke's ( for breakfast on Monday. See my bagel? The meat on top is the best pastrami that ever was eaten on earth by a human. It melted in my happy mouth

The deli counter with all the stuff they make on site.

Three happy ladies: Eleanor, me and Sheryl.

Unfortunately, the staff was not as happy to be there that morning as we were. Our waitress was flat out rude and when we went to buy some of the pastrami (to tote back to our loved ones), the girl at the counter just plain ole refused because it wasn't lunch time yet. Ouch.
Don't despair yet dear readers! Julie, the producer on the commercial shoot got wind of our experience, marched down to Kenny and Zuke's herself and procured pastrami a plenty for us. Now, that is way beyond the call of duty!!! Thanks Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chandelier in my room made me giddy.

The actual commercial shoot took place all day on Monday. We went to the studio in 3 groups of 3, with my group going last.
Here, Eleanor, Sheryl and Tanika hang out in the green room.

Natalie, Tanika and Amy.

Wanna see more of the studio and what went on? The finished commercial should start airing a little before Thanksgiving. . .
Now, for some serious eye candy. Please have a look at the fabu-licious lobby at The Nines hotel.
I totally spaced taking picts of the lobby!!! I will send my vistors your way to take a peek. SO glad you posted them!