Friday, March 7, 2014

9 years of Esther- let's bowl!

My Esther bean turned 9. So we had a bowling party.  Granny embroidered bowling shirts for all of the kids and made a red velvet rainbow cake.  Esther and Granny spent the morning decorating it together:). Sweet.
The Birthday Bowlers!

Esther and Fen.

Daddy and daughter:)

Granny love.
Happy Birthday sweet Esther bean.  I love you!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

CC turns six with CC (Chuck E. Cheese)

Goodbye Chuck E. Cheese.  You creep me out, but my kids like celebrating at your establishment.  So we made a deal: each kid gets one b-day party with you.  And so, this is goodbye.  CC represents our third and final party with you.  Thanks for the memories.  I will not miss you.
Ellison and Olivia joined us in the van on the way to the party.

Rob, all ready to bid CEC farewell.
The beautiful Boston Creme cake decorated by Granny.
Larry and Sandra discuss a possible strategy for the ticketblaster...
Lauren and CC.

Zoe and CC.
Thanks to everyone for joining us.