Let me introduce you to our magnificent magnolia tree at All Saints'. Notice in the background: the North Ave. Marta station. This tree is rarely without occupants of the young sort. When my kids are climbing there I try to imagine the generations of kids who have climbed here. I love this tree.

My sweet friend from college came through Atlanta this week and graced us with his calming and vacationing presence. We had lunch here at Chez Burlington and then he baked lemon cake tarts with the kids. I loved Brad already, but now that he has been in the kitchen with my kids our bond is even stronger. :)

The tarts, pre-glaze.

Another tree pose. Yoga humor anyone?

Finally, Esther and Robert spent a week with my parents in Canton for VBS at their church. They had a GREAT week learning, singing, eating out at every meal and sleeping with their grandparents. Thanks to Granny and Papaw! At the post-VBS reception.

Outside their church.


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