Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mama gets out to see A Prairie Home Companion!

Friday a week ago Rob came home and informed me that Garrison Keillor was coming to the Fox Theater on Saturday. I knew that already, considered getting tickets a long time ago, and didn't get them. It turns out that our friend Paige Martin had an extra ticket that Rob procured for me on Friday night. Upon hearing the news that he was sending me to A Prairie Home Companion, I began running around our house like a mad fool singing "I'm gonna see Garrison Keillor!" My new insanity made a strong impression on the kids. Twenty-four hours later, across the street from the Fabulous Fox, I looked like this-

The magnificent stage curtain:

Voila- the set of Prairie Home Companion!
The tall figure at the middle of the next photo is Garrison himself. The moon shone during his Lake Wobegon monologue.

Strangely Garrison skipped many of the typical skits like Guy Noir, The Lives of the Cowboys, The Ketchup Advisory Board and Dwayne and his mother. The musical guests took the bulk of the show most notably, Caroline Herring, a guitarist/ folksinger who made a strong impression on me and The Steep Canyon Rangers, a bluegrass/vocal band who sang beautifully together.
Enjoy listening to the whole show here:

Thank you Rob for sending me to Prairie Home Companion, something I have wanted to do for a LONG time. A night out for mama is a fabulous thing. . .

1 comment:

  1. I have been able to see him in many shows, including his one-man show.
    The man is a great writer, satirist, performer, and story teller. And the most amazing thing about him is that he is humble and willing to give his time to sign autographs and have his picture taken with his fans.

    I am glad you've got to see the show. It's a great experience, and it gets sold out so fast.


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