We joined Glo, Scott, Granny, Papaw, Aunt Mary and Uncle Ken at Gloria and Scott's place for dinner last weekend to celebrate Scott's birthday. Thanks for the ribs and tiramisu. Yum!!
Haynes ladies with the next generation, CC.

Aunt Mary, mom, me, and CC.

Esther and CC hanging out at the kitchen table.

Auntie Glo and CC.

Granny and Robert.

Glo and Scott have set up a bocce ball court in their backyard. Everybody gave the game a try before dinner. And again after dinner.


Birthday boy gets intense.

Out of bounds Daddy?

I've got the balls!

Opening presents.

Robert is goofy with Glo, Papaw and Aunt Mary.

Can't help lovin' that man of mine.

The toss.

Robert and Uncle Ken. Buddies.
Are Scott and Rob on some pink shirt wearing bocce league team?