We spent last weekend VACATIONING in Maine. Actually, we flew there to attend a funeral. This trip truly felt like a vacation. I'll tell you why. We brought only one child with us- Robert. He loved Gram Fiske and we felt it would be good for him to go to the funeral too.

The Burlington cottage.

We finally got to meet my new nephew, Laurence. I couldn't get enough of his sweet baby smell. Robert never left his side.

Rob got a turn too.

One morning I let Nonnie touch him. :)

The funeral took place at the beautiful First Parish Church in York, Maine. I have always loved visiting cemeteries and this is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

Here is a shot of Rebecca at the graveside running to meet up with Robert.

Her feet aren't touching the ground!

Now Gram Fiske is beside Pop Fiske.

Megan and JP: getting married in July!


Grampy, Nonnie and Robert.

A proud handsome daddy!

Relaxing on the cottage porch.

Front porch nail salon.

I especially love this photo of the new parents, Stephie and Larry.

Dan Remick and Laurence.

A sunset on Sunset Road.
Awesome post. Love it.