The day we arrived my dad had been chopping wood for the fire. Who chops wood these days? My 62 year old dad.
Another member of the family, Big Blue. She is my favorite family vehicle. When I drive her I get a fabulous accent. I even wear a cowgirl hat. It's a little scary and weird. Dad is chopping in the background and the turkey is frying next to Big Blue.
Rob and mom did all the cooking on Thanksgiving. Rob was the head chef and mom was the sous chef- her middle name is Sue- really!

Gloria brought pumpkin pie. Scott furnished the drool.
Gloria and Esther at the table. Let's eat!

CC got her own dance with Scott that afternoon.

CC got her own dance with Scott that afternoon.

Beautiful red berries on a random bush outside. Robert and I went for a hike one afternoon and spotted a bald eagle flying along the lake below us. Can you say mother and son magic? Please let me always remember that moment that gave me chills.

Robert and Esther tore it up on their big wheels all weekend. They even found their own secret hideaway on the lower deck. The view from the hideaway.

Ornaments that we made for our Advent Christmas Tree. Felt and pom-poms and glue.

As we left dad got out the shotgun for the annual shooting of the mistletoe. That's the only way to get it out of the oak trees in time for Christmas. Robert is holding some.

Burlington boys back at home.
Here is one way to keep a baby warm while playing with the other kids outside. Alien?

Robert and Esther tore it up on their big wheels all weekend. They even found their own secret hideaway on the lower deck. The view from the hideaway.

Ornaments that we made for our Advent Christmas Tree. Felt and pom-poms and glue.

As we left dad got out the shotgun for the annual shooting of the mistletoe. That's the only way to get it out of the oak trees in time for Christmas. Robert is holding some.

Burlington boys back at home.

I repeat: Can I PLEASE be a Haynes??