The last few weeks have been a gut-wrenching whirlwind. With the help of MANY we are starting to emerge on the other side.
JP spent a long weekend with us and earned many many jewels for his crown. We had plenty of time to hang out (despite the bronchitis that descended on Rob, Esther and me). Did the green tea help JP? We put my brother in law to work- feeding the baby, playing cards with Robert, re-arranging furniture and, brace yourself, cleaning out and re-organizing the basement. We owe the man BIG TIME. Basement before:
Basement after:
JP built shelves in our dirt dug out basement and hauled plenty of random stuff to the curb. We placed a nice selection of unwanted items on the curb at 2:30pm.
By 6:30pm, nothing remained. Ahh. Good times at Fritti with Glo and Scott :)
Seriously, thank you JP , we love you!

On Monday, Gloria and I took the kids to the Buford Hwy. Farmers Market. Glo masterminded a scavenger hunt (complete with drawn pictures) of things for the kids to find there. Too bad live eel weren't on the list- we saw an entire school of them! I had stayed away from this market WAY TOO LONG. The produce is amazing and cheap and honey- I bought 2 gorgeous fresh pork tenderloins for $6.14. The piece de resistance title goes to the "Fujitronic" rice cooker I got on manager's special. It has a super cheesy floral exterior complete with the word 'flowery' printed around the perimeter. What? But the rice was awesome! Thanks Glo for making that entire trip possible. (One adult + three kids + supermarket = sure disaster.)
Onward- both kids are enrolled in new schools for the fall. Robert- at Hirsch Academy, a small school just for kids with sensory processing disorder complete with 2 OTs on staff. Esther- at Druid Hills United Methodists Preschool. She will be in a class with John Edward Kosar- hooray!
So, slowly things are starting to come back together for the Burlington family. 

Maine- here we come!
p.s. basement related photos were taken with color accent feature on my camera. I have no idea how I did it, but the eerie black and white effect is totally unintentional.
I am definitely encouraged by the direction of your kids' schoolin'. Keep moving east.