Memorial Day Mystery Photo: (scroll to bottom to find out what it is!)

Friday last I drove to Canton to be with my sister and mom. We had a lovely evening in Cumming, Georgia. We dined at Tam's Backstage downtown. I loved the food and even more, the conversation. We had the rare opportunity to catch up on life, wedding planning, kid stories and more. We convened in time to see 'Dearly Departed', a comedy about family drama around a Southern Baptist funeral. Southern accents were required for all the actors, but no one was able to pull it off. In fact, the actors were able to pull nothing off. The comedy turned to community theater tragedy and we made an early departure (discreetly, at intermission) from 'Dearly Departed.' On Saturday we made something of a pilgrimmage to the North Georgia Premium Outlets. Shopping with my 2 head fashion advisors and without children made the morning a delight, despite Memorial Day crowds. Thanks for a fun time Gloria and mom. Thanks to dad for keeping his little buddy, Cecilia, for much of the weekend.
One major flaw about our girls weekend- I didn't get any pictures of Gloria! (email some please mom or Glo). The pix I do have are from a little trip to the garden-

CC's first time on the "G-ee."

The light by the lake was so pretty. CC liked the flowers.

I loved this little bell pepper.

Memorial Day brought yummy food and sunny weather. Perfect for a picnic. :) In the afternoon we picked cherries and pitted them.

That brings me to the mystery photo. Answer: Mom's cherry cobbler , the perfect finish to our Memorial Day picnic.
I gave birth to my husband's
"Esther, you are Princess Leia and I am Luke, okay?"- Robert
(talking about Esther) "She is just the cutest thing walkin'."- Porter Hutto
(explaining the band-aids and bruises on her arms and legs)-"I wrecked on my bike. I spotted this amazing purse going down the street and went right over my handlebars!"-Karla Kosar
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